Thursday, June 24, 2010
The last two weeks have been the worst I've experienced in a long time. I'm not one for pity parties, but I've dug my party hat out and I'm wearing it today.
I hate to post negative things so this is all I'm going to say for now. I might elaborate more on the subject later, if things don't improve.
For now I'm just going to take a deep breath and remember...
"It could always be worse."
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Watercolor - Roses
Watercolor - Poppies
OMG - Really?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Father's Day Prayer
This is for everyone out there who's Father has gone to Heaven.
If Roses grow in Heaven, Lord, pick a bunch for me,
Place then in my father’s arms & tell him they’re from me.
Tell him that I love and miss him & when he turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon his cheek & hold him for awhile.
Because remembering him is easy, I do it everyday,
There’s an ache within my heart that will never go away.
Letter to Jack Daniels
This is not a touching story about a stray dog who adopts a family only to die of rabies. Nor is it a story about the life and love of the world’s worst dog. I’ve always heard the saying there is nothing stronger then the love between a boy and his dog. Well this story epitomizes that bond.
Dixie is not my first dog or even my only dog, but she is the dog that has actually taught me something during our struggles together.
I had recently lost my black lab and after the pain of putting her to sleep, the thought of getting another dog was the furthest thing from my mind. A friend of mind talked me into going to look at some lab puppies that I neither wanted nor could afford…at least that’s what I kept telling myself.
I arrived that fateful day with every intention of leaving there empty handed. Well one look at her, with this cute little ridge of fur that ran down her nose, and I was hooked. She was breed from good hunting stock and that’s exactly what I wanted, so I worked out a payment plan with the breeder and took the little puppy home. I drove home with visions of dozens of blue ribbons hanging on my walls from field trials she would win. It’ can’t be that hard to train a dog to retrieve birds…right? I had successfully trained dogs to do the basics, sit, stay, lay down, etc. The only difference is hunting dogs have to go pick up a dead bird and bring it back…not any different from bringing back a ball and they do that through natural instinct…or so I thought.
Once home, it didn’t take me long to realize I had gotten myself into way more then I could handle. Needless to say do not come with this inherent knowledge for retrieving dead birds. They actually have to be taught how to do EVERYTHING. So, a little down, but not discouraged I headed to the local pet store to buy some training books.
So without going into a lot of details about the hours of miserable training sessions we had, I will cut to the chase. If it hadn’t been for Dixie’s desire and dedication to please me, she would never have placed at her field trials. Through her loyalty and dedication to me, she has taught me how to train dogs and thus helping me realize my own dream of training hunting dogs for a living
Well Bitchy liked the story but wanted a few things changed (to make himself look cooler - that's a guy for ya!). I decided I better check the contest rules to make sure we were meeting all the requirements. I agree, I should have done this first, because low and behold...the story could only be 150 words...WTH? How can you write an endearing letter about a dog in only 150 words and how were we going to condense the letter we had, which was currently at 423 words, down to 150 words without losing most of the content?
Well we did it and here are the results (146 words)...
Dixie’s not my first or only dog, but she’s the one that has taught me the most.
I’d recently lost a Lab to cancer and getting another dog was furthest from my mind. A friend talked me into going to see a litter of pups that I didn’t want.
I arrived there with every intention of leaving empty handed. One look at her, with a ridge of fur down her nose, and I was hooked. Having successfully trained dogs in the basics, it didn’t take me long to realize I needed more knowledge for her reach her potential. Down, but not discouraged I headed to the bookstore seeking direction.
If it hadn’t been for Dixie’s drive and potential, she would never have received her junior title at 18 months. Through her loyalty and dedication, she’s helped me realize my love of duck hunting and training dogs.
Needless to say, our submission wasn't chosen. :)
Ode to Deuce
Bitchy asked me to write up a story about his yellow lab Dixie for a contest that was being done on the Jack Daniels website. I can't just sit down and write a creative story without getting the creative juices flowing. I sat down and started thinking about all his dogs and his youngest, Deuce, popped into my mind. She is adorable and has a really silly personality. While trying to come up with a story for the contest I wrote this little ode...
Ode to Deuce
Oh silly dog with fur so black,
When it comes to mischief you have a knack.
You tear up my stuff, you roll in the mud
I think that is your Labradorian blood.
Oh wicked dog with big dark eyes,
You've ruined the yard I once did prize.
A chewed up bowl, a hose or toy,
A million things you have found to destroy.
Oh mischief maker with the happy dance,
I let you come over, I took a chance.
You try to be good, you try to obey,
You think you are smooth as you slither way.
Oh silly pest with the muddy paws,
Yes, you who digs, you who gnaws.
For your bad behavior there is no excuse.
You aren't always a good dog--but you always amuse.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Stop Puppy Mills!!
The dogs used for breed

Please don't buy animals from pet shops or breeders! Each puppy purchased from a pet store, a back yard breeder, or via the Internet serves an industry with no conscience. Thousands of unwanted animals of all ages and breeds are euthanize at pounds and shelters every day. Adopt and spay or neuter an animal from your local shelter or rescue group and help break the cycle of suffering, misery, and death.
I have two male Shelties that were rescued from two different puppy mills. Both came from mills that were shut down by the state where they resided. Although the above pictures are not of their particular mills, they are a very good example of the living conditions both of them were subjected to for several years. It's heartbreaking to me that someone put them through that hell.
They are both wonderful companions. Rescuing them was one of the most rewarding decisions I have made in my life. It feels good knowing they will never be subjected to such horrible treatment again and the amazing thing is I think they know it as well.

Happy B-Day Dad
I wish I had realized this when I was a kid. I think things growing up would have been a lot different. I wasn't the easiest child and down-right difficult and ungrateful at times, but no matter what, my parents where always there for me and still are. If I had treated anyone else as bad as I have treated my parents in the past, that friend would not have stuck around. It's a true testament to the love between a parent and a child.
What really sucks is that the only thing I can say is "Thank You". Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for not killing me (I'm sure it crossed their mind at least once.) How do these two little words make up for all the things that have happened in the past. Where in these two little words does it explain just how grateful I am that God blessed with me with these two amazing people?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Bath time ruined
"How can you enjoy taking baths? You know you're just bathing in your own filth."
I tell him I'm not really that dirty when I take a bath and if I was I'd just take a shower.
His Response...
"Yeah, but you're still washing your face with the same water you wash your a$$ with."
I'm not sure how I'm gonna rebound from this realization.
But, I didn't take a bath tonight.
Leave it in the bowl!!
I can't seem to get through to them that this is unacceptable behavior. :)
OK, I Give Up
I started keeping an online food journal where I tracked my daily calorie intake for several months and I ended up losing a whopping zero pounds. That's right people, I lost nothing! So much for trying to lose weight without having to break a sweat.
So, today I'm finally giving up the fight to lose weight the easy way...because clearly it isn't going to work for me. As reluctant as I am, I'm going to start doing what all the expert (and my Brother) keep tell me to do...ugghh. I hate when they win.
Yep, you guess it...I'm gonna have to start getting sweaty.
This week I started getting up 30 minutes earlier then normal and hitting the treadmil for a 30 minute quick-pace walk. I just hope your brain doesn't have to also be active in order for a workout to be productive because if it does, then I'm wasting my time. My time spent on the treadmill is more like sleep walking at a dangerous pace.
Before you start sending me emails about this not being enough to acheive my goals, let me finish...
Next week I'm going to continue with the morning romp on the treadmil, but I'm also going to go to the gym during my lunch our and get in another 30 minutes of cardio and maybe light weights, at least until my shoulders get better...if they ever get better.
So this is just the start for now until I get into the grove of working out again and then I will see about changing things up.
I will keep you updated on my progress. Wish me luck!
1st Blog - For the Record
Okay, that did sound a bit like the introductions at an AA Meeting...I guess in a way I'm hoping this will be a form of therapy for myself.
I spend a lot of time in my head and it makes me wonder how well does anyone really know me. How well do I even know myself? What makes me unique? What are my goals? What are my passions? What mark will I leave on this world when I'm gone...hopefully more then just this blog LOL. These are the things I hope to discover during this journey into my mind.
So, just sit back and enjoy the ride...but wear a seat belt because it might get a little bumpy.
Note: All names in my blog have been changed to protect the innocent...and guilty :)