Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bath time ruined

I was talking to a friend of mine and we got on the subject of bath time. See, I love bath time and take one almost every night. Well we are having this pleasant conversation about one of my favorite past-times and WHAM he asks me...

"How can you enjoy taking baths? You know you're just bathing in your own filth."

I tell him I'm not really that dirty when I take a bath and if I was I'd just take a shower.

His Response...

"Yeah, but you're still washing your face with the same water you wash your a$$ with."

I'm not sure how I'm gonna rebound from this realization.

But, I didn't take a bath tonight.


  1. LOL!! OMG! He just ruined of your favorite past times! HAHAH!!

  2. WOW, taking baths must run in our genes. I love baths but your right the realization of dirty butt water... yeah, IDK lol.
